
Top 10 Retail Lighting Design Guidelines: AD Vantage Sheds Light for You Because people are drawn to beautiful things, their memory and recall ultimately improve. Pictures make up 90% of the information that is sent to the brain, and the brain can interpret images up to 60,000 times faster than it can words. To encourage customers to browse and explore your store, excellent retail lighting design guidelines should be produced. From a retail perspective, lighting highlights architectural details, accentuates the qualities of goods, and creates imaginary spaces. This affects how we feel about a product, how we feel about a location, and whether or not we choose to purchase it. Good lighting not only creates a dramatic atmosphere that captivates and grabs your attention, but also brings the product to life in rich, vibrant colour. The following are the key locations in a retail store that need to be perfectly lit for customers to navigate easily and make purchases. •     ...